Photo: Annual exercise Baltic Fortress 2015. BALTRON units exercise with SNMCMG1, Photo by Lithuanian Navy Rear admiral Arūnas Mockus, Commander of the Lithuanian Navy The Article was published in U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings in March 2018. Article is reprinted with author‘s consent. Drastic changes in the global and regional security situation definitely catalyzed the necessity to
READ MOREGerda Baltutytė is a female student at the Klaipėda University in Lithuania where she studies National Security. Besides her studies, she is a citizen-soldier, an assistant to the military physician. We met at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Klaipėda in April 2018 and I asked her for an interview. You look very young to
READ MOREDlouhodobým tématem, jenž má svou vlastní kolonku v nejednom světovém médiu, je Ukrajina. Zatímco na západní straně se v jejím kontextu zvýrazňují Putinovy (ne)čitelné geopolitické ambice, z nichž plyne strach z možné agrese vůči jiným zemím Evropy, v Rusku se hovoří o starém kontinentu jako o zmanipulovaném poskokovi amerického prezidenta Baracka Obamy. Co mají oba aktéři