Již v srpnu zveřejnilo americké pozemní vojsko výzvu firmám, aby – formou prezentace – představily své koncepty malých bezpilotních zabijáků. Zde jsou shrnuty představy pozemního vojska:
- Self contained, self launched system with modular warhead.
- Set up, plan, launch, target identification and target execution by a single operator.
- Keyed precise positioning system global positioning system
- Net-ready
- Compliance with Army EMI standards and work in a Counter Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare (CREW) environment.
- Have high probability of lethal effects at 4 meters with extremely low probability of lethal effects at 10 meters against unprotected enemy personnel in the open and in light-duty commercial vehicles both stationary and moving targets. (Indicate the maximum speed of moving target that your solution will engage)
- Weight: complete operator control unit: interface, radio, batteries, cables, and antenna less than 5 lbs. / complete launcher, airframe, and warhead less than 5 lbs.
- Must be ready for operation in less than two minutes from a pack carrying cold start.
- Endurance: 15-30 minute flight time and 5-10 kilometer range.
- Target acquisition (Day): Indicate how your solution would allow a ground operator to identify a human target (friend or foe), target features, slant range to determine positive identification, and methodology to test/verify claims.
- Target acquisition (Night): Indicate how your solution would allow a ground operator to detect a human target (friend or foe), target features, slant range to determine detection, and methodology to test/verify claims.
- Provide your solution’s velocity both cruise and terminal as it relates to item 6.
- Digital Data Link (provide status of DD Form 1494 process)
- ESAD – Capable of obtaining US Army Fuze Board initial safety certification
- Electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) – Electro-static discharge (ESD)/hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance (HERO)-compliant
- Provide visual and acoustical signature during launch, flight and at target proximity
- System-representative training system/simulator capable of simulating flight characteristics, environmental conditions, realistic scene and scenario generation representative of sensor performance, certification of operators prior to initial operation, sustainment training.
Podle všeho nejde ani tak o velikost stroje, jako o váhu. Systém, který je označován akronymem (LMAMS, Lethal Miniature Aerial Munition System) má vážit necelých 2,5 kg. Pro srovnání Raven, se kterým mají zkušenosti i české ozbrojené síly váží i s kamerami 1,9 kg a dolet má až deset kilometrů. LMAMS musí být připraven ke startu do dvou minut a při „sebevražedném“ útoku na cíl musí mít výbušnina, kterou má na palubě, účinnost do deseti metrů od dopadu.
It should be used for discrete targets: “personnel and personnel in moving light-duty vehicles, while minimizing collateral damage,” the pre-solicitation reads. So when Army units — small ones, since the Army wants LMAMS “organic to the small unit level” — spot a specific combatant or suspicious vehicle, a soldier is supposed to launch the LMAMS and direct it at the target, and only the target. Its limited flight range, loiter time and camera power restricts its use as an overhead spy tool for scouting those targets. Given the drawdown in Afghanistan, chances are the “small units” who’d operate the LMAMS will be special-operations teams, unless another ground war breaks out unexpectedly.
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