
  • Three Seas Initiative

    Three Seas Initiative0

    Recent visit of American president Donald Trump in Warsaw brought the virtually unknown Three Seas Initiative led by Poland and Croatia into the spotlight. Time will show if declared US support will be able to boost the regional economic project into a geopolitical platform, reshaping power relations in Europe. For now, the TSI is not

  • Central Asia: Setup ready for change?

    Central Asia: Setup ready for change?0

    Central Asian countries rarely make the headlines in international media. Recently, this has changed. Kazakhstan, in an “Atatürk style” modernisation move, announced shift from Cyrillic to Latin alphabet. Darker news are coming from Saint Petersburg and Stockholm. In both terrorist attacks, authorities have tracked the suspected perpetrators back to the Uzbek diaspora. New Year’s attack in

  • Za tisíc pum, aneb Putinův útok na sebeobraz USA1

    Týdny dohadování o tom, kdo a jestli vůbec by měl zaútočit na Sýrii, jsou alespoň na chvíli u konce. Americký prezident Barack Obama před pár dny s úlevou přijal ruský plán na odstranění chemického arsenálu v Sýrii a pozastavil přípravu plánů na použití síly. Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin svou argumentaci proti vojenské operaci shrnul v komentáři pro list


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