Ti, které ještě neunudily neustálé útoky bezpilotních letadel na extremisty v Pákistánu se mohou potěšit na The Long War Journal skvělou analýzou a statistikou týkající se této záležitosti. Vytvořený graf je potvrzením, že od loňského roku došlo k nárůstu útoků. Zatímco za celý loňský rok jich proběhlo 36, do letošního 18. července jich bylo už 31. Jak poznamenávají Bill Roggio a Alexander Mayer:
Beginning in August 2008, the US began stepping up strikes against Taliban and al Qaeda elements in the tribal agencies. There were 28 airstrikes in the tribal agencies between August and December 2008 – nearly double the total number of airstrikes in the previous four years combined (the first recorded Predator strike in the tribal agencies took place in June 2004). There was one recorded strike in 2004, one in 2005, three in 2006, and five in 2007. In 2009, the frequency of Predator strikes in Pakistan has continued to trend upwards. There have already been 31 Predator strikes in Pakistan this year (as of July 18) – nearly matching the total of 36 strikes for all of 2008. If airstrikes continue at the current rate, the number of strikes in 2009 could more than double the dramatic increase in Predator activity seen in 2008.
A ještě jednu věc lze v textu doporučit. Seznamn nejdůležitějších cílů z řad extremistů, kteří při akcích bezpilotních strojů zemřeli. „Pěkná“ přehlídka. Jsou mezi nimi i lidé, kteří pomáhali s teroristickými útoky v Keni a v Tanzánii (pamatujete ještě?). Zde je seznam za letošní rok:
- Kifayatullah Anikhel, A Taliban commander under Baitullah Mehsud. Date killed: July 7, 2009
- Mufti Noor Wali, Suicide bomber trainer for the Taliban and al Qaeda. Date killed: July 3, 2009
- Khwaz Ali Mehsud, A senior deputy to Baitullah Mehsud. Date killed: June 23, 2009
- Abdullah Hamas al Filistini, A senior al Qaeda trainer. Date killed: April 1, 2009
- Osama al Kini (aka Fahid Mohammed Ally Msalam), Al Qaeda’s external operations chief who was wanted for the 1998 bombings against the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Date killed: January 1, 2009
- Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan, A senior aide to Osama al Kini who was wanted for the 1998 bombings against the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Date killed: January 1, 2009.
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