
New START: Updated Kissinger’s China scenario?

Toto je první příspěvek Jakuba Jandy na OWOP. Vítám jej mezi přispěvateli. | This is first Jakub Janda’s post on OWOP. I do welcome him between the authors.

Powerful momentum

Whole world got stunned by Obama’s powerful pro-proliferation speech in Prague, countless words of wisdom, Washington antinuclear meetings, smiling faces of bilateral world’s leaders when shaking hands. Exhilarated reporters brought up a real good-looking reports on “this world’s future without nuclear weapons” – linking to Obama’s projected doctrine.

Chief-editor of International Herald Tribune nodded and used same volume of expressions when asked for clear delivered message from the New START singings. Proliferation activists can start hugging each other.

Hard facts: relegation

Turn around another vintage point – what is geostrategic background of this game?

Russia has officially gave up on the superpower role. A fact considered essential after two decades of interior issues and several power-like gestures (anti-terror moves, Chechnya , Georgia) has emerged into an official press release. Russia has been relegated and assigned a state of local (European) power relying on energetic disbalance of controlled resources.

A hurt kid – Russia?

When a kid gets hurt, we try to give him candies, so it does not feel that bad. What have the West gave to the hurt kid – Russia?

Firstly – good marketing move towards freer and safer world without nuclear weapons. Medvedev and Obama have obtained a strong political credit and definitively and even reportedly “broke down the Iron curtain”.

The biggest message of the New START?

We consider you no longer an enemy and we want to cooperate with you. So no crying over getting officially designated to the level of local powers (such as France, Germany, India so far, Japan)!

A real-state evidence of such message? Ask for cooperation with NATO on the Missile Defensive system. Bush Jr. aimed to target the Defense shield against Middle East and maybe Russia, Obama has turned such approach down. Since Lisbon’s summit in November 2010, Russia is no longer a prospective enemy – at least diplomatically and verbally.

The Triangle and Kissinger

Henry Kissinger, the master of international politics and former Secretary of State, has brought up the very same strategy as Obama. In 1970s – the USA needed to weaken Russia (enemy A), so he used the Ussuri-conflict outcome (which articulated the definitive breakup between Soviet Union and China – America’s enemies A and B), he went to China and started talks, played a triangle role. Did not get China to become a member of NATO, but played the game and got US world-power ranking higher than before.

Obama did the same. Came to Russia (former enemy A), offered a friendly deal (“we both will look like peacekeepers, will save money” – which is Russian interest and at the end – the Missile defense shield (which was kind of targeted to show the power of Europe towards outside world) got adjusted “shape” and Russia got in (at least diplomatically and verbally).

Readable outcome?

Learn this.

Easily said – get rid of future or former enemies, consider them your friends (or at least not-enemies) to feel stronger towards the third state – which is emerging China. That is Kissinger’s legacy in current American politics.

Only upcoming years decades will illustrate whether it was to be right.

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Jakub Janda

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