Filip Tucek
Filip Tuček je MIA kandidátem v Mezinárodní bezpečnostní politice na Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). Před nástupem na SIPA Filip působil jako Odborný poradce senátora T. Grulicha, byl Bezpečnostním analytikem pro Úřad vlády ČR a projektovým koordinátorem v Nadaci FORUM 2000. Filip získal bakalářský titul s vyznamenáním na Vysoké škole mezinárodních a veřejných vztahů a absolvoval roční Robinson-Martin Security Scholars Program v Prague Security Studies Institute. Filip byl v roce 2012 vybrán Global Security Forum mezi 25 světových lídrů do 35 let v oblasti bezpečností politiky a je členem Young European Leadership se sídlem v Bruselu. Filip publikoval více než třicet esejí v médiích v USA, Velké Británii i ČR, a po nástupu na Columbia University i svou první knihu s názvem The European Union as Security Actor of a New Type. Filip hovoří anglicky, rusky a španělsky. Více na | Filip Tucek is MIA 2015 Candidate at Columbia University, SIPA, specializing in International Security Policy. He has been awarded Robert Legvold Fellowship, and a scholarship from Krsek Foundation in the Czech Republic, the country of Filip´s citizenship. Before joining SIPA, Filip worked as Security Policy Advisor to Senator in the Parliament of the Czech Republic, as Security Analyst for the Czech Government, and with leading non-profit institutions including FORUM 2000 founded by Vaclav Havel. Filip earned his bachelor´s degree with distinction at University of International and Public Affairs, Czech Republic. His further education includes Robinson-Martin Security Scholars Program at Prague Security Studies Institute, NATO Winter Academy, or Pushkin State Institute in Moscow. Filip participated at Global Security Young Leaders Forum 2013 in Bratislava for 25 of the most perspective leaders in security policy under 35. He is also a Fellow at European Young Leadership Organization based in Brussels. In December 2013, Filip published his book The European Union as Security Actor of a New Type. In addition, he has published over thirty articles and essays on international affairs in printed and online media in Great Britain, United States, Czech Republic, or Slovakia. Filip is fluent in English, Czech, Russian, has a working knowledge of Spanish and elementary knowledge of French. After coming to SIPA, Filip co-founded Columbia University Central and Eastern European Club of which he is now Vice-President.